New Project Pablo is good news, so this week had already started well when “Evening Call” dropped a few days ago. From there the tone was set for a week characterized by nice sounding surprises. We’ve been obsessing over the dusty twinklings of Matthew Herbert’s Lianna La Havas remix on the new Pampa compilation, the shimmering carnage of Celestial Trax’ “Secrets,” and keeping our scope international, we’ve enjoyed “Kissy Fits,” the latest from Australian duo Ara Koufax. It’s also been a great week for longer sessions, City’s dense but fruitful Arcadia mix has provided about three weeks worth of listening in one go, and we also enjoyed a genuinely thrilling 30 minute mix from Kamixlo on Radio 1. We’ll then leave it to the weirdo garbles of DJ Haram’s “SO FUCKING FUNNY” to bring in your weekend.