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This weekend was really cold. I don’t even own a coat, let alone gloves or a scarf. I’ve been really unhappy about these facts. Nevertheless, I find myself secretly wanting it to snow more and more, even though that’d make my journey home even colder, wetter, slower and more densely populated with people who are out in the snow “just to see what it’s all about, really”. Does that make me an idiot? Are people who like snow idiots? I sought my answers from strangers on the street.
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VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
No, I wouldn’t say so.
Do you like snow?
It’s alright I guess. I wouldn’t say I really liked it, though. Then again I don’t really dislike it either.
What’s your favourite thing about snow?
Seeing people fall over.
Do you simply enjoy a good injury?
It’s the only thing about snow that is brilliant.
VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
Oh, no!
You think it’s good to be enthusiastic about snow?
Yes. You should be enthusiastic about everything. Generally a bit crazy.
VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
No. It’s fun.
You like snow?
What’s your favourite kind of snow?
Just the best kind for sledding in. I like to sled.
VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
Yeah, I think they’re idiots. Personally.
You dislike snow?
I dislike snow here. I don’t mind a little snow in the country. Here it just fucks up the tube.
What’s your favourite snowtime activity?
Sledging with a lot of people. It’s a nice group activity.
Have you ever had a potentially lethal time in the snow?
I’ve literally been tit-deep in snow in Scotland. It was great though. Half my body was frozen and I couldn’t feel my nipples.
VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
Snow in London is different from regular snow. It’s all gross. People who like snow in London are idiots.
What’s your favourite snowtime activity?
Sledding is pretty fun.
Ever dabbled in snowboarding?
I’ve always wanted to, but I’m yet to do it. That’s one expensive hobby.
That’s weird, I was 100 percent sure you were a snowboarder.
No, I don’t like the snow at all. It just becomes a mess and everyone falls over. I’ve injured myself every single time it’s snowed.
VICE: Are people who like snow idiots?
Why don’t you like snow?
Because where I’m from, I’ve never seen a snow. I like snow.
Oh, you do like snow?
Then why did you say that people who like it are idiots?
Don’t know.
Have you had much experience with snow activities yet?
Just been and played in it.
Have you had a snowball fight?
Sledging is the best. You simply must sledge.
But I don’t know how to do it.
You buy a sledge. Then you find a big hill. Then you just sit on it and go down the hill.
Answer of the day: People who like snow aren’t idiots. We’ll be back tomorrow, asking more hard-hitting questions about the dreams you had last night or what your lucky number is or something.
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A 28ish-year-old Bob Dylan. (Photo by FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)