As the founder of Strike Gently Co , I deal in pins and patches daily. The Creators Project asked me to pull together a weekly roundup of the best newly-released pins. Most of these will probably sell out. If you like them, smash that “add to cart” button.
Videos by VICE
This company just released a whole bunch of pins with an amazing aquatic color scheme. Maybe I’m basic as hell, or maybe amidst the wintry concrete wasteland that is New York I yearn for something warmer and more oceanic. Who knows? Regardless, I’d be grabbing these regardless of what coast I lived on. Pinphomaniac is producing some of the best stuff in the game.
$25.00 for the set.
Punchberry Press
Everybody loves the booty. Everybody loves shoes. Everybody loves the beach. These pins by Punchberry Press have it all. There’s a theme developing this week, oops. I really want to be in a place that’s warm.
$9.00 each here.
Deja Pins
Deja Pins has been on a roll lately. They find wonderful designers and manage to come up with some true originals. I don’t know what this little guy is supposed to be—maybe I’m missing a pop culture reference—but the “good news” is, I’d wear him on my lapel.
$10.00 here.
Bottom Feeder
Another great design from a small brand I hadn’t heard of until today. There are a lot of tattoo-aesthetic influenced pins that don’t translate very well into ‘real life’ accessories. Some stuff looks better inked on a fat guy’s tricep. Not this one—I’d wear this any day of the week. If you really like it you can always stab it into your arm so it hurts like a tattoo. Actually don’t do that.
$8.00 here.
Good Hustle Company
On a different note, Good Hustle makes original designs resembling some of the world’s finest celebrities. They have a sick Eric B pin, for example. But this Richard Pryor pin is in another league altogether. I have a Richard Pryor shirt, maybe I’ll attach one of these bad boys to it, and walk around repping the greatest stand-up comics of all time.
$10.00 here.
For more pins, visit my shop, Strike Gently Co.
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