Aaand the Rick and Morty Season 3 Release Date Is…

“July…” Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon says, dragging out a dramatic pause while announcing the day Adult Swim will broadcast new episodes of the hit animated sci-fi sitcom. “30.” The audience at Adult Swim’s super secret Rick and Morty-themed live stream last night cheers. “It’s like the last day it could have been in the month.”

Fans had no idea what to expect when Adult Swim sent out a message advertising the live stream, which ended with an emphatic, “Don’t miss it. Or be late. Trust us.” The faithful, who tuned in right at 9PM EST, were treated to live-action interdimensional cable commercials and Roiland, a known virtual reality fiend, conducting interviews through an RC car with a webcam mounted on top. Between improvised scenes written by Harmon and voiced by Roiland—plus multiple spontaneous freestyles of Future’s “Mask Off” in Rick and Morty voices—they trickled vague implications about the future of the show. For example, Season 3 will be “getting darker,” Adult Swim might already be working on S4.

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Oh, and they dropped this bomb trailer:

Rick and Morty episodes are streaming now on, and new episodes start July 30.


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