
Roll Your Blunts and Watch Super Slow Motion Water Balloons Explode

Water balloons, and any filled balloons in general, make me nervous. For that reason, I must get super high to enjoy this video of a trickshot crew finding all the ways to explode water balloons in slow motion.

YouTubers Legendary Shots—who are totally bros with fellow YouTuber Jake Paul, and who have started their fair share of beefs with trickshot crew Dude Perfect—put a bunch of innocent water balloons through several torture tests, and recorded the results in super-slow mo.

Videos by VICE

They drill a balloon (it pops), throw a balloon at a drone (it pops) and hit each other in the face with balloons (sometimes they don’t pop!). It all looks neat, and even neater if you’re sufficiently baked. If you’re sober, I’m sorry, it’s mostly just dudes playing around with balloons and expensive camera equipment.

Their balloon-based pièce de résistance is the head drop, which is sort of like the water-filled condom challenge—except the plastic of a water balloon is thicker, so it doesn’t stretch around one’s uh, head, like a condom would.

When one dude drops the balloon from a ladder over his buddy’s head, it lands dead-center, but doesn’t break. It just expands and envelops his face until he looks like a Super Mario Bros mushroom, then flops off his head and onto the grass. This is pretty anticlimactic, but they high-five anyway.