You Can Now Use ‘Snapcrap’ to Report Piles of Literal Shit on SF’s Streets

San Francisco has a public pooping epidemic on its hands, a shit-scourge so severe the city had to form a “poop patrol” to clean piles of human waste off the streets. But even with a dedicated, six-person crew constantly hunting for turds, the problem doesn’t seem to be going away—so a local tech wiz decided to join the fight against feces by launching an innovative new app: Snapcrap.

After spending about a year carefully tiptoeing past mounds of dung scattered all over the city—a byproduct of the city’s massive homeless population, who don’t really have anywhere else to go—developer Sean Miller took it upon himself to make SF a little less shitty, NBC Bay Area reports. Last week, he rolled out Snapcrap, an app that looks and works just like Snapchat—only instead of sending bathroom selfies to your friends or whatever, you can DM photos of dookie straight to the local government.

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The app pulls your GPS coordinates and automatically sends them, along with a snap of the offending pile and some other basic details, in a report to San Fran’s Public Works department, which runs the city’s non-emergency 311 line. There’s not much more to it than that, but Miller told NBC Bay Area he’s open to the idea of beefing it up.

“The app is extremely basic right now, but I plan to add a bunch of other features soon,” Miller told NBC Bay Area. “I think a crap map would be pretty funny.”

Miller told the Associated Press a few hundred people have already downloaded the app, and so far, users seem to be pretty happy with it. Instead of filling out a boring bureaucratic form or, say, manually flagging piles of poop with photos of Nic Cage’s face, the app shoots the picture to 311 along with one of about ten short, auto-generated messages users can choose from, like “send poop patrol,” “please clean up this CRAP ASAP,” “whoever cleans this deserves a bonus,” or my personal favorite: the simple, restrained “I see poop.”

“Last week, had to throw out my shoes from stepping on poop on the sidewalk,” one user wrote in a review. “Having an easy way to inform the city where they need to clean up is the first step to mitigating this problem. Great job!”

We’ll have to wait and see if SnapCrap actually puts a dent in the poop problem in San Francisco, which gets about 65 reports a day from people who stumble across (or into) piles of human excrement. But until the city deals with the underlying homelessness issue, no amount of cleverly-named, poop-themed apps are going to be able to fix things for good—though for what it’s worth, we’d love to see what Shitstagram and Fecesbook might look like.

iOs users can download Snapcrap from the App Store. Happy hunting.

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