
Surgeon Shares Pummeling New Single From Forthcoming LP

A few weeks ago, English producer Anthony Child announced his seventh album as Surgeon, a name synonymous with the raw and unforgiving Birmingham techno sound. According to Child’s press release, From Farthest Known Objects is set to be something of a concept LP, for which his collection of hardware became an “elaborate reception device that allowed [him] to tune into transmissions from Distant Galaxies,” receiving “Pop Hits … being played on their radio stations.”

Where the previously released album cut “BDF-3299” felt like a strained muscle being pushed and pulled in a disjointed circle, the sphere of motion is even more restricted on “GN – 108036,” the pummeling second track Child has shared from the record. Uploaded today, it builds around what we would be tempted to call a galloping rhythm if it weren’t so straightjacketed, subtly layering in a curdling drone as the central motif winds around itself, evoking an endless endurance test.

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Stream the track below, and be sure to pick up From Farthest Known Objects when it’s out January 28, arriving on the artist’s own Dynamic Tension imprint on double vinyl, CD, and download formats.

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