‘The Bridge,’ Today’s Comic by Leslie Stein By Leslie Stein December 6, 2016, 3:46pm Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Follow Leslie on Instagram, Tumblr, and buy her books from Fantagraphics. MoreFrom VICE Ada Zielińska Ada Zielińska Chases Catastrophe with Her Camera 09.25.24 By Duncan Cooper Sara Benabdallah Sara Benabdallah Captures the Soul of Morocco with Help from Her Grandma 09.25.24 By Eloise Hendy Liss Fenwick Liss Fenwick Turns Termite Mounds into Supermodels of the Outback 09.25.24 By Eloise Hendy Carlos Idun-Tawiah Carlos Idun-Tawiah Turns Family Photo Albums into Ghanaian Epics 09.25.24 By Nick Thompson