As you may have heard, Field Day 2016 was plagued by a little in the way of some bad weather. In all honesty, even the puddles looked like they were getting wet at points, and if that metaphysical concept-play doesn’t illustrate my point then I don’t know what will. That said, a good summer soaking strangely put us in a more than perfect mood for enjoying some music, and what music there was to enjoy. From the 3AM-in-a-nightclub settings of Jackmaster’s B2B with Gerd Janson, to the jubilant noodlings of Ata Kak, the day was one that refused to behave the same way as the clouds hanging above it.
Rather than let us explain the best of what we heard, why not listen to it instead? Without further ado here are our top five tracks of Field Day 2016. We might have left with sodden socks, but we also left with these tunes ringing in our ears.
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1. Denis Sulta – “Dubelle Oh Xx (Jackmaster VIP)”
In classic Sulta style, this one’s driving everybody wild before even being released, but clearly Jackmaster already has the 320. You can hear this, and I mean the next word, screamer in both Sulta’s recent FACT mix and Jackmaster’s soon to be released DJ Kicks mix. Dropped during the latter’s B2B with Gerd Janson it proved itself a worthy festival weapon.
2. Ata Kak – “Obaa Sima”
It was during Ata Kak’s set, “Obaa Sima” blaring out through the Shacklewell Arms tent, his audience enraptured and yelling back in call and response, a frozen margarita in one hand and a limp, damp rollie in the other, as a crest of sunshine broke through the facade of grey above, that I realised everything would be okay in the end.
3. Bicep – “Celeste”
It’s not entirely accurate to put this track on the list, as technically Bicep played a reworked version of the track in their live set, but it deserves a shout as one of the high-points. It’s rare that DJ to live set conversions work, but this one does. The duo have managed to make their armoury of tunes sound even bigger, while teasing out some amazing sounding new material alongside it.

4. Steven Be Calm – “Never Come Back”
Firstly thanks to Four Tet for dropping this, secondly thanks to everybody on Facebook Track ID groups for working out what it was. You know who you are.
5. Novelist – “Street Politician”
It was then to Novelist to give us the most politically charged moment of the weekend, from getting the crowd yelling “fuck David Cameron” to this perfect quote, we left both gassed and rethinking the UK’s place in the wider international community. And wet. It was raining, did we mention that?
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