Punk Animals Hang Out at the Last Drive-In Theater in This Week’s ‘Habits’ Comic By Lauren Monger September 28, 2015, 3:54pm Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Read more comics by Lauren Monger at her Tumblr and Twitter. MoreFrom VICE ‘We’re Kind of Just Figuring It Out’: Building Muscle Memory With 700 Feel 11.09.23 By Adele Luamanuvae VICE Spotlight: ZK king 劉 10.30.23 By Adele Luamanuvae ‘Shut Her Up, Shut It Down’: Town Comes Out to Tell QAnon Queen to Go Away 10.14.23 By Mack Lamoureux and Evy Kwong Lauren Boebert Was Kicked Out of the ‘Beetlejuice’ Musical for ‘Vaping and Singing,’ Theater Says 09.13.23 By Anna Ta