
The Latest Apropos Live Video Featuring Serbern is Actually Super Chill

Apropos Live: Serbern from Apropos Live on Vimeo.

By now, we’re used to Tuborg’s Apropos Live videos featuring pretty crazy DJ sets. Usually, sets like this one are the kinds you can imagine faring very well at a rowdy, messy club on a Friday night. Their latest video, however, is a little different—in a good way, too. In this live video, Copenhagen-based DJ Serbern mixes half an hour of super chill, bouncy beats that delicately ease you into that relaxed weekend vibe you’ve been waiting for. Ranging from toned down remixes of Disclosure to windows of soulful vocal-driven house, it’s a smoothly flowing collection of tracks that feels mellow and much-needed.

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Even if this is the first time you’ve heard Serbern’s name, chances are, you’ve danced to his beats at some point in Copenhagen. He’s spent years hosting legendary parties in Kødbyen and monthly events all over central Copenhagen, and has worked with dudes like Anders Dixen and Eloq. Also, he’s apparently nicknamed ‘the nicest guy in the Danish DJ industry’—so it’s quite the relief that his Apropos Live mix is as nice as his reputation.