Money ‘The Performative Ally, the Gatekeeper, White Passing, and Ashamed,’ Today’s Comic by Sami Alwani By Sami Alwani January 9, 2019, 3:41pm Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Check out more of Sami’s work on his Instagram and website. MoreFrom VICE Priests ensuring a couple's camper van gets another year of God's protection. Photo: Romain Ruiz French Priests Are Blessing Camper Vans and Dogs in Brittany 09.26.24 By Nick Thompson Image: Flaviar A Christmas Miracle? Flaviar’s Hit Advent Calendar Gives You 24 Nights of Whiskey 09.25.24 By Matt Jancer Jake Paul’s (Fake?) Belly Has Everyone Very Confused 09.25.24 By Kyle Phillippi Photo by Larry Marano/Shutterstock Parkland Parents Create Video Game to Simulate School Shooting 09.23.24 By Paige Gawley