The Politics Of The Extra-Terrestrial

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Alfred Webre is a Yale-educated lawyer-cum-space activist, who literally wrote the book on the study of ‘exopolitics’; meaning, the study of humanity’s relations with extra-terrestrials. His website,, is the ‘go to’ resource on the topic. There, Webre chronicles developments in exopolitics that far overshadow the illusionary theatre of conventional politics.

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One crucial aspect of exopolitics is the role of the public US military function, DARPA, which apparently has been concealing the ability to time-travel and teleport for the past 40 years. We thought it would be interesting to get up-to-speed with the latest extra-terrestrial news, and listen to what secret things the shady characters at DARPA have really been up to.

VICE: Hey, so can you tell us laymen a little about exopolitics?
Sure. Science has said that we now have an unknown number of parallel universes. There are dimensions within each of these universes. Exopolitics is, roughly speaking, the science of relations amongst intelligent nations in the ‘dimensional ecology’ of this ‘multiverse’.

So basically, you’re looking at the people who know about this multiverse and how they use that knowledge?
Yes. Within our ecology we have what you’d call “extraterrestrials” who visit us from other civilisations, as well as inter-dimensional, and inter-universe visits to our dimension.

Wow. So we’re not alone, after all?
We are here in this third dimensional reality of earth, which is defined by time and space. We go through the dimensional ecology and take on lives as human beings as an ‘inter-life’. This life is like a virtual experience for us, where we take on these lives as human beings in order to develop our souls. We are now inside a space/time hologram – a holographic reality that’s been created by very advanced intelligence.

Awesome. So what’s our link with these advanced ETs? Through the US military agency, DARPA, right?
Yes. They were founded to do advanced research for the US Department of Defence in order to implement a mandate of ‘total spectrum dominance’.

From this, DARPA developed TESLA-based quantum access, which is a technology that gives access to the time/space hologram, allowing you to move and transport persons and goods from one point in the time/space hologram to another point. It’s been around for about 40 years, although most of the people in the world don’t know about it.

How is this being used? Not to pick the winners in horse races, I’m guessing.
Time travel is used for political control. For example, there’s a programme that pre-identifies US Presidents. Barack Obama was pre-identified 30 years in advance and given secret schooling to be US President. From my own research I’ve found Obama to be from a third generation CIA family and a life-long CIA asset, with all the full training. He’s fulfilling all these multi-dimensional roles on the planet on behalf of an elite.

Its main application has been extraterrestrial in the sense that time travel and teleportation are the main corridors used between earth and secret bases on Mars.

It sounds pretty advanced. Did we get help from aliens for this?
I think, as with everything else, it’s very difficult to rule out extraterrestrial influence in anything. We live in a dimensional ecology that’s not fully recognised in our society now because of the ET-enforced embargo of the Robertson Panel of 1953. See, in June of the year before, a UFO flew behind the US Capitol. The CIA was afraid of panic, so they initiated a series of policies whereby any mention of ETs or UFOs in the media had to be accompanied by ridicule. The purpose of this was to mask the force of the occupying negative ETs who were now directing things and controlling our terrestrial elite.

So there was an alien takeover at the White House?
At most of the world governments, actually. The British Crown, the City of London bankers, Rockefellers, Rothschild’s… They’re really controlled by an ET force of a negative nature. And no one knows because of this embargo of 1953. If a teacher, or government official started talking seriously about ETs they are ridiculed, lose their job – they’re destroyed!

Obama is a stalking horse of a One World Government, which is now beginning to move into place. That will be starting over the next 18 months or so.

Exciting stuff. What role has DARPA played in this so far?
All of this has been made possible by the technological abilities DARPA has put into place; for example, Facebook. It has half a billion users, globally. In North America, 77% of internet users are members. It’s virtually supplanting the internet and it’s carrying out policies originally set out by DARPA. The internet itself is an invention of DARPA, from back in the 80s, calling ‘ARPANET’. Now they are using sophisticated information algorithms to monitor photos and all interactions on Facebook. This is beyond 1984! People are willingly handing over their entire private lives to this government agency. It’s all in line with DARPA’s intention of ‘total information awareness’.

What use is it for the government to know all the inane shit that people get up to, and ‘Like’, though? It doesn’t sound very threatening.
Well, when they want to monitor someone of interest, then that person’s whole life is totally within the knowledge of the state.

A colleague of mine, Richard Dolan, a UFO historian, has coined a term to describe this new elite; ‘a breakaway civilisation’. They are separate from the civilian constitutional order of earth – us people. They live in a different world where they have teleportation, time travel, bases on Mars, access to anti-gravity vehicles… British computer hacker Gary McKinnon stumbled upon this, publicised it and has since been locked up by the US. Last week, Obama refused the extradition of Gary McKinnon even when Cameron asked him during his visit, because McKinnon blew the whistle on the breakaway civilisation. That’s the essence of what DARPA does.

So how big is this community? Are all people in power aware of it?
This is a global culture. Some of the evidence that we’ve been able to piece together suggests that the underground bases on Mars hold – these aren’t accurate figures because it’s all secret – between 600,000 and two million humans. They get there through teleportation and time travel and can even hide this in time travel.

For example, one of the whistleblowers that we have, Michael Relph; he travelled to the Mars base in 1976, spent 20 years there until 1996, and he was transported back to Earth on the same day that he left in 1976, so that Earth people wouldn’t know that he was there. They hide these bases in space and time. But that’s science, and that understanding hasn’t reached our common culture yet.

What’s the purpose of these bases, and the breakaway civilisation?
It’s evident now. Fukushima has now released a huge amount of radiation, which can be guided through the weather warfare capabilities of HAARP [a military function in Alaska that some allege is able to manipulate weather systems and spark earthquakes like the one in Japan earlier this year]. As they bring the radiation over America, they’re also creating these tornadoes with HAARP and the GWEN towers. Rainfall brings the radiation down to the continent to kill off the general population.

Fukushima is a genocidal and ecocidal programme that’s being carried out by the global elite on behalf of a negative ET occupation.

The bad aliens?
Yes. It’s nothing new, you know. The British throne has been a part of mass doping for 300 years, when they first started the Opium Wars against China.

OK. Sounds apocalyptic.
It’s a picture that is scientifically accurate, but the good news is that the end of this is leading to a liberation of the planet by the positive ETs who created us and that will probably happen around the middle of the decade. These advanced, positive ETs created us homo sapiens as a project. They will soon come back and liberate us from occupation.

What evidence can we expect to see of this in the next few years?
Obama will position his 2012 campaign on the basis of a ‘peace and security’ strategy in the Middle East. When 2013 starts, there will be a major false flag operation, maybe a nuke in DC, or similar, to impose martial law, and move towards a one-world government. That isn’t a direct prediction, but a possibility. It’s clear that Obama is serving the negative ET occupation rather than the benefit of humanity.

Well, I hope you’re right about the positive ETs. Thank you very much.