
The World’s Largest Lego Millennium Falcon Is Made from 250,000 Bricks

It’s May the Fourth, which means that Star Wars fans the world over are chatting about The Force Awakens, greeting each other with a lispy version of the iconic phrase—and, occasionally, making some really incredible art straight out of a galaxy far, far away. Built by father and son Lego Master Builders Dan and Chris Steininger, who also built the world’s largest Lego Darth Vader, the world’s largest Lego Milennium Falcon falls into that last category. With help from the locals near its construction site at the Westfield Southland mall in Melbourne, Australia, the duo spent two days assembling 250,000 Lego bricks into the 16′-wide spacecraft. She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts. Han and Chewie, eat your hearts out.

Watch a timelapse of the construction process below.

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