It’s not out yet, but a set of teasers from the upcoming DBZ Tribute (not to be confused with the recent Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F) are looking slick as hell. Conceived and executed by a team of game designers and creatives, the characters so far look like a Pixar character’s dream—or nightmare in the case of the appropriately menacing Majin Buu. We also see Goku goofing around and prepping to kick some three-dimensional ass, and there are some really sweet concept illustrations available on their website.
The project is spearheaded by director and lead animator Javier Zumaeta, who has experience developing character animations for games like Playstation All Stars. The team putting together DBZ Tribute is full of young creatives from all over the world, working together over the internet. “We started this project because Dragon Ball Z has been hugely influential in our lives,” Zumaeta tells The Creators Project. “We just want to pay tribute to the inspirational and up-lifting work of Akira Toriyama.” The creative team is currently wrapping up the character designs you see below, and will begin the actual animation process shortly.
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Like the live action Akira Project, the Star Wars anime tribute, and other fan films, DBZ Tribute is a rich opportunity for modern creatives to reflect on what they learned from being raised by TV.
The full team includes Javier Zumaeta, Bruno Camara, Danilo Athayde, David Mourato, Thomas Lalande, Moize Opel, and Marcus Hedges. Learn more on the DBZ Tribute website and on Twitter.
Via Kotaku
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