
This dot-com era millionaire thinks emojis are where the money’s at now

Page How is like an internet real estate developer — and right now, it's a buyers' market for emoji domains.

Page Howe is like an internet real estate developer — and right now, it’s a buyer’s market for emoji domains.

“Instead of having to give out a long domain name — my, slash — all of a sudden, they can give out triple smiley with the sunglasses, which really means cool,” Howe told VICE News at his home in Manchester, Tennessee. “We process images so much faster than we do words.”

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Apple’s iOS 11 update included hundreds of new emoji, and for Howe, that meant hundreds of new investment opportunities. Howe once made millions selling domain names, and in 2017, he headed straight into what he’s hoping will be the next internet gold rush: emoji domains.

VICE News met with Howe to learn all about the domain game and to find out if this is a real thing.

This segment originally aired November 30, 2017, on VICE News Tonight on HBO.