
This Useful Website Puts the Spotlight On Female Experimental Musicians

When it comes to the music world’s gender problem, it’s not that women artists don’t exist. More often they are made to feel invisible when they go unacknowledged by the press or occluded from historical narratives. Steve Peters, a Seattle-based musician and curator, set out to rectify that, and last month launched Many Many Women—an online archive dedicated to female musicians actively working in the fields of avant-garde and experimental music, such as Yoko Ono, Laurel Halo, Daphne Oram, and Maria Chavez.

The alphabetized index contains links to pages for over 1,000 women in contemporary classical, avant jazz, sound art, electronic experimental, and the likes. Peters has been constantly updating the archive as he receives new submissions, which appear to be flooding in at a rate of “400 in the past three days alone,” he wrote on the site earlier this week. The homepage’s “About” section also reveals the impetus behind Peters’ project:

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“Several years ago, a bright and talented pianist told me that she had gone through her entire Juilliard education having heard of only five female composers—three of whom were dead. I started making her a list, but it got a little out of hand and so here we are.”

Head over to Many Many Women to learn about how you too can submit names for the archive.

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