
Video Shows Reported Islamic State Militant Sobbing as Brother Carries Out Suicide Bombing

A video being circulated online by Islamic State sympathizers surfaced on Wednesday that reportedly shows a suicide bombing in an unverified town, which was shot by a suspected Islamic State militant who is said to be the brother of the bomber carrying out the attack.

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While the crying individual is not seen on camera, his sobs can be heard from what appears to be a rooftop lookout, while smoke billows from a building in the distance as a result of the attack. The crying appears to be in reaction to his brother’s act.

The video was shared by an individual known as Abu Yaman al-Shami, who claims on Twitter to be one of the militant group’s youngest fighters. In a tweet about the video, al-Shami said, “A brother cries over his brother carrying out suicide mission in Ain Al Islam (the IS name for Ayn al-Arab, or Kobane) — moving.”

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While the location of the video can not be confirmed, various tweets about the video have made claims that the footage was shot in the Syrian border town of Kobane. Some tweets include the hashtags “Islamic State” and “Ayn al-Arab” in Arabic, and an off-camera speaker can be heard at about 50 seconds saying, “Ayn al-Arab,” which is the Arabic name for the besieged town. A minaret that can be seen at about 18 seconds into the footage does resemble one seen in other footage of Kobane. 

The majority Kurdish town of Kobane has been under siege by the Islamic State since the group launched an offensive there in mid-September. Kurdish People’s Protection Units (KPG) have been defending the town and have recently received reinforcements from Kurdish peshmerga troops who crossed the Syrian border from Turkey to access Kobane to provide support. On Tuesday, heavy shelling was reported by peshmerga fighters against Islamic State.

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