This story is over 5 years old.


Follow Russian YouTube Daredevils Through Their Daily Routine

It’s about three minutes into this documentary when a ponytailed Russian dude — who’d just freeclimbed a radio tower — starts spinning a Rubik’s cube like a bawse while his mom is frying sausages that you realize holy shit, this guys is a badass. And...

It’s about three minutes into this documentary when a ponytailed Russian dude — who’d just freeclimbed a radio tower — starts spinning a Rubik’s cube like a bawse while his mom is frying sausages that you realize holy shit, this guys is a badass. And he, along with the other Russian daredevils who risk death for thrills and viral videos, truly is.

This RT doc on the guys you’ve marveled at as “crazy Russians” is a wonderful watch. It seems that these days our view of Russia is increasingly brought to us by absurd dash cam clips and daredevil videos, which is hardly a great lens to use to view an entire country. But that’s exactly why I like this video so much: By learning about the everyday lives of nameless, fearless YouTube stars, you connect with your counterpart on the other side of the screen. It’s a nice portrait of the internet in real life which, when our world is increasingly connected solely through the weird process of the social web, makes it all the more poignant.

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.