Watch Jim Jefferies Finally Shut Up Jordan Peterson

In an interview with Jim Jefferies on Comedy Central, Jordan Peterson seemed, for the first time in a long time, to be at a loss for words.

On a June 19 episode of The Jim Jefferies Show, in which he was the focus of profile, Peterson was asked if he thinks if “making people bake a cake for a gay wedding” was a good idea. Obviously, Peterson said that he did not think it was a good idea. Jefferies than asked if people should be able to deny making a cake for a black couple. Peterson again said they should be allowed to not make a cake for a black couple but added, “that doesn’t mean it’s right.”

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Following this, the Australian comedian—best known as the comic who uses the C-word the most—illustrated to the contentious University of Toronto psychology professor how the civil rights movement made our society better, and then asked Peterson if he thought that it wasn’t right. Peterson took a few seconds to consider this before admitting “maybe I was wrong about that.” You can watch the exchange below, the full interview is further down.

Meanwhile, in other news, the 12 Rules author has launched a $1.5 million defamation lawsuit against Wilfrid Laurier University and three of its employees regarding the Lindsey Shepherd debacle. The free speech warrior says that the three university employees criticizing him (which included Hitler comparisons) in a private meeting with Shepard was defamatory to him and they should have anticipated their remarks going public.

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In the meeting three superiors dressed down Shepherd for showing a TVO clip of Peterson, saying that in showing the professor who gained fame for not using transgender pronouns she created a “toxic environment.” Shepherd recorded the meeting and leaked it to media causing thousands of pounds of ink to spill from the pens of pundits across the country.

Shepherd launched her own lawsuit against the school a little over a week ago. She claims that her battle with the school has left her unemployable in academia.

According to Global News, the university has indicated it will be fighting Peterson’s lawsuit.

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