
Watch Stevie Parker’s Unflinching Video for “Better Off”

Imagine a world without heartbreak. IMAGINE! The trees we would save because of the sudden lack of demand for tissues. No more burst capillaries. Your jeans would always fit because the likelihood of you comfort eating french fries would be wildly diminished. (Just me?) But if you really think about it, if we didn’t have heartbreak, at least 85 percent mankind’s art would not exist. Seriously. Romantic angst fuels everything!

Enter Stevie Parker, a 24-year-old English girl who we interviewed back in August on the strength of her song “The Cure.” Below is the video premiere of her latest offering “Better Off,” lifted from her forthcoming debut EP, ​Blue.​ There’s something in the beginning bars—the vinyl crackle, the way her solemn tones unfurl—that are reminiscent of Portishead having condolence drinks with The xx. But then there are traces of very early Ellie Goulding in her quaver too. Parker manages to articulate what could sound super hackneyed in a fresh way: “You came to me without warning / Who said that you could get inside / And invade all the spaces where nobody should be.” 

The video, directed by Jake Jelicich (Blossoms, Jack Savoretti, Benjamin Francis Leftwichenter) leaves Parker as naked as her confession lines. 

“I just wanted the video to reflect the mixed messages in the song, it’s all a bit weird and conflicted and sometimes those polarized feelings can feel a bit disturbing,” explains Stevie. “I also wanted to put across this sense of being exposed, like when you’re that brutal and honest with somebody it’s like being under a microscope.”

Videos by VICE

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Pre-order the Blue EP and get “Better Off” instantly.