Happy New Year, from your friends at Waypoint Radio! Today, Waypoint Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker and Social Editor Danika Harrod join me in a discussion of games that just barely slipped our top ten lists this year, along with Danika’s top picks of 2016.
We all have strong opinions about The Last Guardian, games that hit us right there, and the value of fanfiction, with a nice dip into the question bucket for our first taste of reader mail in 2017.
You can listen to the podcast through the embedded player below…
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If you’re using something else, this RSS link should let you add the podcast to whatever platform you’d like. Please take a moment and review the podcast, especially on iTunes. It really helps us out.
Interaction with you is a big part of this new podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to gaming@vice.com with the header “Questions.” (Without the quotes!) We can’t guarantee we’ll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we’ll be taking a look at them.
Remember: we (often) record these podcasts live on our Twitch channel. Keep an eye on Twitter (@waypoint) on Monday and Friday morning, if you want to know when we’re getting started.
And make sure to swing back to Waypoint on Friday for the next episode.