
Will Britain Bring Back the Hunt? – The British Election

Just weeks before the UK’s general election, Prime Minister David Cameron pledged that if re-elected, he would work to overturn the 2004 Hunting Act, which made it illegal to hunt wild animals with large packs of hounds. With that, Conservative Party leader Cameron thrust the issue of hunting onto Britain’s election agenda — kicking up a heated debate that can seem to pitch rich against poor, tradition against modernity, and city against countryside. Labour, the main opposition party has in turn vowed to defend the hunting ban.

On both sides of the line, activists now speak of a reignited “class war.” VICE News traveled across the British countryside, meeting with hunters, activists, balaclava-clad “hunt saboteurs,” and everyday Brits who say that urban politicians just don’t get their country way of life.

Videos by VICE

Watch “The Fight for the Muslim Vote: The British Election”

Watch “Behind the Political Spin: The British Election”