
Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, April 2022

Welcome to Aries season, dearTaurus!
Aries and Taurus
Robin Eisenberg

The month opens with a new moon in Aries on April 1, inviting you to slow down, lounge, and relax! Take time for yourself, escape from your obligations, and give your mind, body, and spirit a break from your everyday routine, worries, and concerns. Get lost in your fantasies, make and enjoy art. This is a powerful new moon for exploring your spirituality, connecting with your inner voice, and doing some self-exploration. An important realization or perspective that you’d never considered may arise on April 2 as the sun and Mercury meet in Aries. A secret might be shared! 


Action planet Mars and taskmaster Saturn meet in Aquarius on April 4, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career. You may be stepping up to important responsibilities at this time. A focused, determined energy flows, but you might also find that some people are feeling pessimistic or grumpy. You could be cutting things off with a project that’s no longer working for you, or setting the record straight if things have been askew. This is a powerful time to set boundaries, and taking a realistic, patient, and measured approach to things will lead to the best outcome. 

Your ruling planet Venus enters Pisces on April 5, which bodes well for your social life! You may be feeling especially glamorous and popular, and though you’re particularly flirtatious and romantic at this time, it’s also a powerful moment to foster friendship and intellectual connection in all your relationships. You may be connecting with charming and creative people; a new social circle might be forming around you!

Communication is kicked up as Mercury connects with Mars on April 8, and things are moving along even if details still need to be sorted out. Information may be revealed as Mercury squares off with Pluto in in Capricorn on April 10, and Mercury also enters Taurus on this day, encouraging a logical, analytical approach to things. You’re feeling especially expressive! If you’ve been shy lately, you might find yourself more open and talkative at this time.


April 12 brings one of the highlights of the month: Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces, making for one of the most whimsical and imaginative astrological transits, boding especially well for creativity, and your social life. You may find yourself entering a glamorous, artistic, and inspiring social circle! A dream you have for the future may come into view, or a special wish might be made. Also on April 12, the sun connects with Saturn, bringing a grounding atmosphere. Action planet Mars enters Pisces on April 14, revving up the friendship sector of your chart: If you’ve been feeling shy or timid about joining a group, you might have the confidence to do it now. That said, Mars in Pisces might also find you feeling empowered to leave a community. Either way, this month means figuring out where you belong and connecting with people who share your hopes and dreams!

You may be wrapping up an important project or kicking an old habit on April 16 during the full moon in Libra. You could be rearranging your schedule, rethinking your routine, or finally crossing an item off your to-do list! Mercury and Venus mingle on April 17, inspiring a fun, friendly atmosphere that’s fantastic for networking, creativity, and good spirits. April 18 is busy as Mercury and Venus align with Uranus in Taurus, finding you craving novelty and adventure, and connecting with unusual and surprising people. Plus the sun squares off with Pluto, bringing a transformative atmosphere—so long as people can let go of their control issues! Change is hard, but don’t run away from an exciting opportunity just because it seems like it would be too much of a hassle: Embrace experimentation…it doesn’t mean you have to commit to anything! 


Your birthday season begins on April 19: Happy solar return, Taurus! The sun in your sign invigorates you and fills you with passion. Make time to reflect on the last year and contemplate your hopes for the one to come. It’s a powerful moment to set intensions. Communication obstacles or delays, perhaps concerning your career, might pop up on April 24 as Mercury squares off with Saturn—but Mercury also connects with dreamy Neptune, which may find you exploring a hunch or may simply having a deep conversation with friends. Saturn’s influence may be burdensome, but Neptune can create some escape.

April 27 finds Mercury mingling with Jupiter and Venus with Neptune, bringing an especially creative and imaginative atmosphere that’s perfect for networking, sharing ideas, and romance in general! Intellectual connection is highlighted at this time, as are emotional ones. It’s a powerful moment to discuss dreams and longings as an optimistic, open-hearted energy flows. A beautiful friendship may be blooming!

Mercury connects with Pluto on April 28, which could find you doing some important research: A new perspective or hidden information may be discovered. A powerful conversation that transforms your attitude might take place. Pluto begins its retrograde on April 29, which can find you reevaluating your position on some things, andMercury enters Gemini, stirring up conversations about money, security, your belongings, or talents.

The solar eclipse in your sign, Taurus, takes place on April 30, heralding an important new beginning in your life. You may be taking on a new role or introducing yourself in a profound way. Your relationships might undergo a shift as your partners meet the new you! This eclipse also finds your ruling planet Venus meeting lucky Jupiter, and you’re feeling especially popular and lovable, engaging with a friend group or community that brings a lot of value to your life. Eclipses can be very heavy or emotional: Big feelings emerge, and you may understand things in a whole new way that rocks your world. But they can also be a profound opportunity for change, and you may begin a new chapter of your life—perhaps one that feels fated, if you believe in destiny…

Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in May!