The dance blog-o-sphere fell into a concern-laden chaos last night as reports that Jeffrey Sutorius, frontman for trance-lords Dash Berlin (a production team and not, in fact, one guy with a crap superhero name) had gone missing in the Maya jungle of Mexico.
Reports stated that Sutorius had rode astray during a bike tour and had not been seen for “a couple of hours.” Concerned that he had perhaps been eaten by a jaguar, or worse, roped into some Apocalypto-inspired game of hide n’ seek or die, his management took to Twitter to note Sutorius’ absence, perhaps in the hope that the indigenous tribesmen with whom he had likely shacked up were checking their social media accounts.
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Barely hours after the original alert went up, Sutorius took to Facebook to announce that he was alive and well, albeit in a post limited to only Mexico.
The whole debacle is most likely a publicity stunt on the Dash Berlin camp’s behalf, made even more likely with votes for the international press-play-social-media pissing contest that is the DJ Mag Top 100 looming.

Perhaps more interesting is the content feeding-frenzy that hit the internet as soon as the tweet about Sutorius going missing went up. The guy had been missing for two hours and blogs around the world were drumming up panic as if Beelzebub himself had just dropped a festival trvp mixtape from hell.
If a DJ goes missing for two hours, it is not a cause for concern. They are most likely face-deep in genitals or white powders. Hell, Skream has to go missing for at least six months before his friends even raise an eyebrow. MK went missing for six years and nobody said anything. Aoki’s team have been actively trying to ditch him for twelve years, but he has FindMyFriends and always turns up on time.
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Illustration by Reesa -
Screenshot: Midwest Games