Ryan Duffy

  • The Japanese Love Industry

    In these difficult times, many Japanese are putting marriage and families on the back burner and seeking recreational love and affection as a cheap escape. We sent Ryan Duffy to investigate Tokyo's cuddle cafes and Yakuza-sponsored prostitution.

  • Portrait of a Russian Oligarch

    After the collapse of Communism in Russia, as state assets were divvied up and privatized, a few individuals stepped in to take the reins of this entrepreneurial experiment. Rewarded with massive fortunes and fame, they came to be known as "the...

  • Lunch with the North Korean Basketball Team

    After making basketball history playing alongside the North Korean National Team, VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy and the Harlem Globetrotters sat down for a meal with the North Korean players.

  • Strolling the Thames in China

    VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy takes a stroll with some tour guides through Thames Town in Songjiang, China. The British-style town is part of the "One City, Nine Towns" plan that China has established for the outskirts of Shanghai.

  • Mormon Lost Boys - Lorin's Story

  • Stories from the Making of Our HBO Show

    Our HBO show that you've probably heard about by now premieres tonight at 11 PM. We're thrilled, you're thrilled, everyone on the planet is thrilled about this. To get you even more excited, one of the show's hosts, Ryan Duffy, put together this...

  • Venezuelan Body Count

    We met up with El Preito, rapper king of Venezuela, to talk about what it's like growing up in one of Caracas's most dangerous slums.

  • Venezuelan Body Count

    Chasing bodies on the Caracas crime beat with a reporter from 'El Universal.'

  • Venezuelan Body Count

    Last year alone, Caracas had more violent deaths than Baghdad. VICE's Ryan Duffy traveled to Venezuela to investigate the country's horrific crime epidemic.

  • Hezbollah's Propaganda War

    Host Ryan Duffy heads to Lebanon to visit this bizarre tourist site to learn how this group that started as a ragtag militia in the 1980s has skillfully used propaganda to transform itself into a military and political force to be reckoned with.

  • Hezbollah's Propaganda War

    Hezbollah has built a multi-million dollar theme park celebrating its military victories over Israel.

  • Only the Dead Fight Fair

    Your new go-to source for a glimpse at the future of war.