• Can Science Find a Safe Replacement for Alcohol?

    When it comes to legal intoxicants, alcohol is still the only game in town. But with a massive pharmacopeia and scientific infrastructure at our disposal, that makes pretty much zero sense.

  • See 'Nyaope' Tonight at the Spectacle Theater

    In April 2014 a documentary called Nyaope was released, and within hours males across the internet––from the hallowed halls of Reddit to the gladiatorial amphitheater of YouTube––hailed it as an unforgettable masterpiece. Now is your chance to...

  • Getting High on HIV Medication

    Hamilton Morris travels to South Africa to study how the medicine became part of a drug cocktail called "nyaope."

  • Swazi Gold

    Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains.

  • Swazi Gold

    Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains. Instead, he finds a country steeped in political corruption and economic turmoil.

  • Swazi Gold: Minilandet Swaziland er Afrikas største hashstat

    Hamilton Morris besøger den legendariske cannabis-sort Swazi Gold's hjemland, men i stedet for at finde et hashparadis finder han et land, der er gennemsyret af uro og korruption.
