artsy fartsy

  • Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #91

    Dear Sequential Graphics Enthusiasts, my name is Nicholas and this is my weekly column for VICE, in which I share news, images, and reviews pertaining to comics, books, illustration, fine art, and general nerd interest.

  • Conceptual Writing, Gender, Murder, and Bob Seger

    The big shithole that is the internet has become the ultimate fodder for manufacturing conceptual art. There has never been more information and more ways to generate, spread, and manipulate it, while the historical aura of the artist-as-presence...

  • Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-In #88

    Hello. Every week or so I use this column as a space to discuss and review comics, fine art, illustration, and general nerd interest in the e-pages of VICE magazine. This is the second week in a row that my column has been about art shows. Next week we...

  • Anton Chekhov Versus Jeffrey Dahmer

    For some reason I think about the cannibalistic serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer every time someone mentions Anton Chekhov, a forefather of the contemporary short story. I can’t help but want to draw them out, to put them together in a cage and watch their...

  • Patrick O’Dell’s Skateboard High School

    Patrick O'Dell is having an art show called 'Skateboard High School' tonight at LA's Known Gallery. I wish I were flying to LA this weekend so I could see it, but I'm not, so instead I emailed him some questions about it.

  • Finally, a Kids' Book for Cannibals

    If you're a cannibal with lofty aspirations to become part of high society, Jen Uman has the perfect book for you and your children.
