  • We're Going to Get Buzzed by an Asteroid Tomorrow

    Good news for people who enjoy being alive: The world isn’t going to end tomorrow when an asteroid comes close to hitting Earth. But it is going to be one hell of a close shave, coming within 17,000 miles of the planet’s surface.

  • New Jerusalem

    La Nueva Jerusalén is a millenarian and messianic town located in the western state of Michoacán, Mexico. Its residents are faithful to the Virgin of the Rosary and believe the end of the world is coming soon, and only they will be saved.

  • The Worst People

    “I kind of wish everyone on Earth hadn't died,” Casey Anthony said, running her fingers through Rick Santorum's hair. “Just so we could all rub it in their stupid faces that we did survive.” Howls of laughter filled the beach. Courtney Love said, “God...

  • Anything You'd Like to Confess Before the End of the World?

    So I guess this is farewell. Tomorrow marks the day the whole internet has been waiting for: the final reckoning, apocalyptic hellfire raining down on Earth and your flesh rended from bone as humanity makes its excruciating descent into the eternal...

  • Sex, Defecation, and a Spate of "Fridgings

    It was another slow week in NT news, only four crocodile incidents and the end of the world.

  • Here Is What Will Happen When the World Ends

    At approximately 11:59 AM on December 21st, a great silence will sweep across the land. Clouds will gather in a pall, and darkness will encompass. Miles below the earth’s surface, tectonic plates will shift causing the ground to rumble in a massively...