fashion cat

  • Chortle

    Blobby Boys cartoonist Alex Schubert is missing. Until we can confirm his death, well-wishing comic pals are filling in. This week's comic is by proud Canuck doodler, Patrick Kyle.

  • Behind the Dumpsters

    Until Alex's remains are identified by one of his ex-wives, his weekly comic is being drawn by a series of cartoonists looking to steal his throne. This week's is by Lauren Monger, internet comic superstar.

  • It's Printed in VICE Magazine, Get It?

    Alex Schubert is a lazy sack of garbage. Until he digs his way out of an opium fog, his comic is being drawn by well-wishing guest cartoonists. This week's fill-in is JKME.

  • Fashion Cat Is a Pink and Unfashionable Dog

    Until Alex Schubert decides to come home and be a father to his children, his comic is being drawn by celebrity guest artists. This week his comic is by Lizz Hickey.

  • Everybody Hates Dogs

    Until Alex Schubert returns from his secret vacation or his fetid corpse washes ashore, his comic will be taken over by guest cartoonists. This week, Noah Van Sciver drew a Blobby Boys tale about how terrible dogs are.

  • Falling in Love

    While Alex Schubert is missing, his celebrity pals are drawing his comic for him. Please return home safely, Alex. We forgive you for whatever you did.
