
  • Beware or Be Drunk: The Boozy Origins of the Ides of March

    If you’re a tyrant, take this occasion to not let people crowd around you. If you’re a regular old plebian, grab a box of wine, park yourself under a tree, and aim for immortality.

  • Video: The Enduring Power of 'Powers of Ten'

    The whole thing jangles with the innocent wonderment of a bygone era. This has cemented its legacy in the annals of science films and education and shitty archival-driven music videos alike.

  • Ten Radically Futuristic Ideas in Obama's State of the Union Address

    The president got a little sci-fi with some of the ideas he proposed in his big speech last night. SOTUs are notorious for being lofty wishlists, so consider these proposals Obama's wildest political fantasies.

  • Obama's Drone Wars, Round 2

    Nominating Chuck Hagel and John Brennan as defense secretary and CIA chief, respectively, represents a somewhat controversial re-imagining of the US national security team's expanding drone wars.

  • The Year in Gifs

    We could have summarized the year's stories using words—you know, those collections of symbols that represent ideas—but since it's almost 2013, we should really be communicating only in moving images.

  • Instagram Hates You

    Look, the image service's new Terms of Service agreement is a middle finger to users. So give the middle finger right back.
