shaun smith

  • Fra hjemmelavet napalm til gældsinddrivelse: Inkassatoren Shaun Smith

    For ti år siden torturerede og brandbombede Shaun Smith sine fjender som håndlanger for en af Liverpools største krimifamilier. I dag arbejder han som inkassator og bruger sin brutalitet i en mere lovlig sammenhæng.

  • Debt Collector

    Shaun Smith is an ex-gangland terrorist trying to go straight.

  • Debt Collector

    Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpool. People say that Shaun introduced urban terrorism to the British underworld.

  • Debt Collector

    Ten years ago Shaun Smith was an enforcer for one of the biggest crime families in Liverpool. Today, after a spell in prison, he is trying to transfer his skill-set to the legal economy by working as a debt collector in the northern England.
