
  • Soon Cops Will Digitally Dust Crime Scenes for Partial Footprints

    Generally, my assumption of the ins and outs of crime scene forensics is a mythicism of field detectives performing high-tech feats in order to solve a mystery with some encrusted semen. I'd only expect that investigation units have access to some...

  • The Ghost Drone That Turns Itself On

    Here's a warm blanket for you to nestle into this weekend. The Washington Post has been running an investigative report on the U.S. military's shadow wars throughout the Horn of Africa. These special operations have become the preserve of hulking, so...

  • Fukushima's Fish Are Still Radioactive

    Visiting Tokyo last year was bittersweet. I had originally bought tickets to visit Japan just a few days before March 11th's wicked quake and tsunami tore through Fukushima and northeast Honshu, leaving a ballpark-figure of 20,000 Japanese missing...

  • Trust Me, I'm Cool (An App)

    Here's the thing with regard to relative coolness: it's good to be cool and it's hip to be square; no one likes to party with losers and if you'd like to have a say, it's important to stay on top of trends. Being cool is different than being "popular...

  • Watch a Post-Apocalyptic Short Film About Human Limbs Building the Tower of Babel

    Here's a short 10-minute film by Floris Kaayk called 'Origin of Creatures.' As a connoisseur of all things dystopian (and utopian), I found the premise pretty irresistible: Humans, have devolved into single-limbed or organed variants of their former...

  • There Are 84 Million Stars in This Nine Gigapixel Picture

    The mighty VISTA infrared telscope has captured an image of unfathomable properties. The beast of an image, weighing in at nine gigapixels (9,000 megapixels, which would print to about 23 x 30 feet) is "zoomable":