World War Two

  • VICE News Capsule - Monday, May 4

    Italian authorities rescue thousands of migrants over the weekend, hundreds of women and girls freed from Boko Haram, dialysis patients in Yemen concerned over power shortages, and Germany is still a graveyard of unexploded World War II explosives.

  • Russian Grave Robbers

    A group of "black diggers" have come together to illegally unearth the remains of World War II soldiers and sell the military artifacts.

  • The Bone Hunter

    VICE Japan traveled to Malica, where 4,600 Japanese soldiers and 3,200 American soldiers were killed on the battlefield, and where local "bone hunters" are still searching for the soldiers' remains.

  • If at First You Don’t Secede: The Push for Westralia

    As Scotland votes on independence, an unlikely coalition of billionaire miners and xenophobic libertarians want Western Australia to follow suit.

  • Defeating the Islamic State is Going To Be Kind of a Pain

    After admitting he didn't have a strategy to defeat the Islamic State, President Obama may announce one this week. Thing is, there's no good one available.

  • Hemp Against Hitler: How Cannabis Helped America Win World War II

    Seventy-seven years ago today, nearly 95 percent of registered German voters turned out at the polls to give 38 million votes (or, 90 percent of the vote) to Adolf Hitler. From Reich Chancellor to Führer, Hitler now brandished absolute power by the...