This story is over 5 years old.


A Q&A with the Creator of an 'Oblivion' Mod That Ditched Boob Armor

Tired of fantasy armor that emphasized the shape of women, rather than protecting them, a mod was born.

The existence of "boob armor," in which armor for women conforms to the shape of their chest, is common enough in fantasy games that you might be convinced it's historically accurate. It's not, actually! It might get you killed. But that hasn't stopped games from erring on the side of form, instead of function. When modder BlackBaron2 loaded up  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and found the same thing, it was finally too much, leading them to create the "unsexy" mod for Oblivion. "This mod is not for you if you were looking for skimpy stuff, since it does the exact opposite," reads the description for the mod, uploaded back in 2013. Given how often modders are tearing the clothes  off of video game characters—the amount of horniness hiding in the mods for  Stardew Valley left me shaken and almost permanently scarred me—it's struck me to find one going in the opposite direction. Folks who downloaded the mod were deeply appreciative of it, too. Read more on Waypoint
