This story is over 5 years old.


Yale Fans Bare Pasty White Asses at Harvard Game, Care Not For Their Political Careers

Don't worry. Daddy's hedge fund will take them just as they are.

Several Yale students have removed all their clothing at the Harvard/Yale game. Police intervention is in progress.
— Jessica Noglows (@nojessicaglows) November 19, 2016

Yale has graduated five presidents from both undergrad and their law school—Gerald Ford, William Taft, Bill Clinton, and the two Bushes. But at today's rivalry game against Harvard, there were well more than two bushes in attendance, as a dozen or so fans stripped down, buck-nekked, to moon Harvard.

Their 'wild,' 'wacky' and definitely totally original antics even caused the game to stop momentarily.

Game being held up because there are a dozen Yale students standing atop wall in front row. All are naked.
— Chip Malafronte (@ChipMalafronte) November 19, 2016

Here's where I would say that these people's political careers are ruined forever, but let's be honest: you can do all kinds of stupid, horrible shit nowadays and still become president. In fact, it might even help you out.