Halloween: The Morning After


This story is over 5 years old.


Halloween: The Morning After

Given that Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, you might not have been able to see the holy grail/white rabbit of the holiday: the Halloween walk of shame. Whether or not you saw one this year, we put together a photo shoot for you that's...

Every year, one day after Halloween, the number of ghosts, goblins, and slutty grim reapers wandering home on a walk of shame is a wonderful spectacle It's unfortunate, for the voyeruistic walk of shame enthusiast, to have these incognito morning-after journeys be spread out over days and days of Halloween parties. Well, in order to crystalize the splendour of some guy walking out of a girl's apartment dressed like Willy Wonka, hungover, with an autumn sun beam making his head feel like it's about to explode with the power of 1000 hungover migraines, we decided to put this photo shoot together that captures the amazing costumed fun of Halloween hangovers and their cousins: the Halloween walks of shame.


Photos by Juni Bimm
Art Direction by Brad Casey & Justine McGrath
Models: Sarah Fairlie, Evan Davis, Brad Casey, Amelia Goodlet, Keith Hamilton, Chelsea Jamieson, Rebecca Sands, and Hudson.