This story is over 5 years old.


Breaking: The Game Still Has a Penis, Wants You To Know It

Guess who has two hands, a phone, and a dong.

You may have heard of Compton rapper the Game. His brand new album is called The Documentary 2.

You may not know that the Game has a penis.

#FineNiggaFriday & @Anureet_K_Dhaliwal got me feeling myself after the gym earlier today……. so let's just assume, I'm at your house waiting for you to get home from work, 1st….. #StopAndGetSomeWetWipesCauseImGoneBeAssNakedSoonAsYouOpenTheDoorSoThatVajayjayGoneDrip #ThenImPullinYoPantiesDressSkirtOrPantsTheFuckOff #AndSlidinUnderThatPussyLikeAMechanicSlideUnderCars #NImEatinItWhileYouSquatOnMyFace #WhyYouAsk #CauseImHungryAndYouBeenGoneAllDay #WhyTheFuckYouStillHoldinTheKeys #DropThemMothafuckas #ImLickinYou #YeaLickinThatPearlTongueLikePecansNPrailinesIceCreamCuzThatsMyFavorite #RealSlow #2ScoopsOfThatPussy #AfterYouBustYa1stNut #ImPickinYouUp #CarryingYouToTheKitchenCounterToSitYouDown #BeforeYoAssHitTheColdCounter #WarmDickAlreadyInsideYou #GrazingYourWallsLikeAPaintBrush #InAndOut #SlowlyWhileITongueKissYouWitBothYoAssCheeksInMyHands #ThenImRammingThatPussTilYouBustAgainNToniteImNotPullingOut #LetsGoHalf #DropsMic .. #MEATPRINTPAPI has spoken !

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Nov 6, 2015 at 4:49pm PST

A penis we alerted you to not long ago

Let's just assume, I thought today was Friday or #ThrowDatAZZbackThursday #WhoCaresWhatDayItis I say it's #FineNiggaFriday because I know you gone be double tappin this mothafucka til tomorrow anyway……#SoGoneTagYaGirlfriends #ScreenShotIt #LickIt #PullThemPantiesToTheSideAndGetReadyForThe #HalloweenEdition #CuzHalfYallScaredOfTheDickAnyway #WhereverYouAtInTheWorldDatPussyBoutToBeWetYouHearMe #iSaidDoYouFuckinHearMe #OkThen #TakeYourIndexAndMiddleFingerAndMakeAGun #ThenPutTheGunInsideYouAndPullTheTrigger #EaseItOutAndPutSomeOfThatStickyIckyOnThatPearlTongue #TiltYaHeadBackAtAn80DegreeAngleAndSpreadYourLegsFarAsTheyGo #ThenLickYaFingersRealSlowAndGrazeThatPearlForMe #BackAndForthRealGently #CloseYaEyes #AndImagineMeSlidingInThatThangRealSlow #AndAsSoonAsYouGetReadyToBustYour1stNut #iPullOutAndGoDownTownAndCatchItWithMyTongue #ThenISlideBackUpAn…… Oh shit the Patriots game on, gotta go ladies !!!! Oh' & my boxers #ThatsHowIDocumentary2 #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Oct 29, 2015 at 6:25pm PDT

A penis that's always there

I mean if I'm not your #ManCrushMonday then who da fuck is ??? Ok so this is my 1st time bringing the hashtags to Monday but you know what… I love you & you deserve to #GetWetOnYoWayHomeFromWork #ifYouOnYourWayToTheGymTurnAroundAndGoBackHome #YouBoutToWorkUpASweatPunchinThatMonkey #AndPutThemToysAway #WeGoinOldSchool #JustYouAndThemFingers #NowPutOnUsherConfessionsAlbumAndLetItPlayThrough #GetCompletelyNaked #PropThemPillowsSoYoureComfortable #IfYoHairFreshlyDid #LayYourScarfFlatOnThePillowAndLayGentlyOnIt #NowSpreadThemThighsForMe #LickYourIndexAndMiddleFingers #NowTouchThatPearlTongueAndGoCounterClockwise #Slowly #iSaidSlowly #DontMakeMeSlapYourHandAndMakeYouStartOver #KeepYourEyesClose #NowReverseTheMotionAndImagineMeLickingYourLegsStartingFromYourAnkle #ImBoutToCatchAUberDowntownToThatPussy #YouBoutToGetItAteLikeGroceries #ButOrganicGroceriesCauseImOnAStrictDiet #NowWhatImBoutToDoNextMightTickle #YouReady #YeaYouReady #NowBust #AndSayMyName #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

Every single day of the week

A month & a 1/2 on crutches drinkin Hennessey lol…. Time to get this shit together. #60DaysOfFitness

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Sep 9, 2015 at 6:38pm PDT

A penis that's effecting Ethika underwear sales worldwide

Well let's sell some boxers then #Ethika - #Repost @theshaderoominc #MEATPRINTPAPI

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Nov 6, 2015 at 8:49am PST

Congrats, Game, on your penis!