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50 After-Party Conversation Starters That Aren't 'So... You Hungry?'

Fifty things you can talk about without ever mentioning politics.

A version of this article was originally published on THUMP, in November, 2016, then we took it and made our own list. Enjoy.

The after party is the real reason to go out on a Friday night. Parties are fun and all, but it's those hours chilling, eating, or just talking, that are where real friendships are born. Can you remember the last time you went out and then went straight home after last call? Yeah. Me neither.


Most of the time it's just you and your squad. But sometimes you're hanging out with your second-degree friends, or some randos you just met earlier in the night. It doesn't really matter who they are because, really, you're all there because of one harsh truth: eating bubur alone and in silence sucks.

But maybe you're feeling a bit tongue tied? Maybe you can't think of anything better than basic ass questions. No one has ever been excited to answer, "so where do you work?" Save that shit for later on when you're making small talk with the ojek driver on the way home.

Still at a loss for words? Don't worry. We got you covered.


1) Do you listen to podcasts?

2) Do you know that Dukun AS' real name is Nasib?

3) Remember that time when Parto shot at the ceiling of Planet Hollywood?

4) Hey, when someone moves from one place to another, everything in-between is also called a place, right?

5) What if your parents were intels?

6) Why is cat food getting so expensive?

7) Where do you buy your birth control pills?

8) Can I bum a cigarette?

9) The class of 2000 are about to do their National Standardized Test (UN). Don't you feel old?

10) Tell me about a great moisturizer product!

11) What's your sign?

12) What about your partner?

13) Do you remember what you were doing in the 21st of December, 2012?

14) Have you ever seen a ghost?


15) Are you a pro-mozzarella?

16) Sometimes I just miss Video Ezy.

17) When you were playing with the kids in the neighborhood, were you the anak bawang (the tiny bullied one)?

18) Do you prefer mechanical pencils, or, like, a regular pencils?

19) Do you put soy sauce on your bakso?

20) I bet it was chaos when humans first learned how to make fire.

21) What's The Holy Mountain really about?

22) So, I had this weird dream last night…

23) Why the hell do people call it cable TV? Don't all TVs have cables?

24) Where can you eat pork near here?

25) Which do you prefer: wet socks or a wet helmet?

26) Which do you think one hurts more, drowning or being burned alive?

27) When you were kids, who was your cartoon crush?

28) If BIN were to tap your phone, do you think they would think you're boring?

29) What's the last movie you saw?

30) You ever think about how bad it would be if you lost your hard drive? Whoever finds it will know everything about you!

31) Have you ever thought about how progressive AFI was? They hired a psychologist to talk to every contestant!

32) When was the first time you ever watched porn?

33) By the way, how old were you the first time you saw Ariel Peterpan's sex tape?

34) You ever wonder why Indomie made by other people taste better than when we make it ourselves?

35) When was the last time you prayed?

36) Were your parents ever called by the headmaster to pick you from school?

37) Oh, you still can drive yourself home?


38) The first time you voted, which party did you vote for?

39) You ever think about the first person to ever drink cow's milk? What the hell were they thinking?

40) I was thinking about the first time someone ever laughed. What do you think they found so funny?

41) Have you ever memorized any short verses (from the Quran)?

42) If you were able to get back all the money you spent in your life, what do you think you could afford?

43) How the hell does Velcro work anyways? Is it like little teeth?

44) What makes something dangdut? Is electronic dangdut still dangdut?

45) What's the one thing you just HAVE to eat when you're hungover?

46) What do you think is the essence of a relationship?

47) When you disappear for a quickie, do you do it in the ladies restroom or the gents?

48) Which one is better: turning on shuffle and let it keep playing songs you can't sing along to or hearing the same song on repeat?

49) Do you throw up on the sink or in the toilet?

50) Hmmm… do you have any questions for me?