This story is over 5 years old.


Freakishly Huge Chicken Frightens and Confuses the Internet

"Bruh, this ain't no chicken."

Usually when we talk about giant chickens, it's the nine billion or so big, fat broiler chickens killed every year for our consumption.

And while we usually picture these animals as being too fat to walk and cooped up in their coops being exposed to unnatural light patterns, there is another breed of oversized chickens out there—and it's even scarier to the unacquainted.

A recent video uploaded to Twitter by @LifesBook_Ceo shows what looks like to be a fairly normal chicken peering out of its chicken house. But once the chicken steps down the stairs of its coop, it looks more like a two-foot tall Tony Soprano walking down the driveway to get his morning paper with a feathered housecoat on.

The answer to your query, @LifesBook_Ceo, is no, you are definitely not the only person wondering why that chicken is so damn big, or why it has feathers on its toes. Many Twitter users were equally confounded by the monstrous chicken, with some saying that the video was fake or that the chicken is actually a human in disguise.

Read more on MUNCHIES.