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The Technology Issue

Street Poll

Vice: What one thing would you invent that would improve your life?Joseph: Good question! Something like an implant that allows you to turn on and off how fucked you are. Like a little dial on your arm. A "fuckedness" dial.Do you think...

Vice: What one thing would you invent that would improve your life?


Good question! Something like an implant that allows you to turn on and off how fucked you are. Like a little dial on your arm. A “fuckedness” dial.

Do you think robots will ever rule the world?

Well, I’m quite a big


fan. I don’t think they will rule the world but I think they will probably cause us some trouble. I think they will fight back eventually and it will be rubbish. Toasters will kill me.


Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?

Musical gear and the telephone. The telephone is good. I’m a farm boy so all the technology to do with harvesting is good too.

What technology would you get rid of tomorrow?

Everything. We could do without computers and the internet. They are fun but we could do OK without them. Also, we could do with special cameras that stop heavy Facebook users tagging so many photos of me.

Vice: What invention would improve your life?


An electronic personal assistant. It could do my laundry. I’d literally toss my clothes in and then an hour later they are done. Ironed too.

Do you think robots will ever rule the world?

No. I think the world will implode at some point before we get to that, although technology is kind of already ruining the world.

Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?

Just my iPod and DVD player. The basics. Oh, and my phone! I left it home one day a few weeks ago and I was useless. I felt like I was cut off from society.

What useless technology would you get rid of tomorrow?

Twitter—it’s a bit much! We don’t need to know where everyone is all the time, you know? People are too accessible.

Vice: What would you invent that would improve your life?


I’d love my own small cooking rat. He would make me homemade lasagne with loads of cheese. I’d call him “my little one” so then I could shout, “My little one, come and cook me stuff!”


Do you think robots will ever rule the world?

Yeah, probably, but it would be quite depressing. In some ways they already do because you can’t even get on the tube without the use of a robot these days.

Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?

BBC iPlayer, because I don’t have a TV!

Is there any technology out there that you would get rid of tomorrow?

Those things you can get to cut eggs. Egg-cutters. Why can’t you cut it with a knife?!

Vice: What one invention would improve your life?


A hygienic portable woman’s toilet. I have a really weak bladder so it would be nice if I could have one in my bag that was clean.

Will robots ever rule the world?

No, they won’t. They’ve had their time already.

Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?

My mobile phone and my computer. Those are the main two.

Vice: Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?



Do you think robots will ever rule the world?

I think in some ways they are doing this already. Yeah, I think it could happen.

What useless technology would you get rid of tomorrow?

Some of the medical technologies we have at the moment we don’t really need.

Vice: What one thing would you invent that would improve your life?


I would like to invent a machine that could enable you to travel places in one second. That would be nice.

Do you think robots will ever rule the world?

They might do if we let them replace us more. So far robots can do almost everything humans can. They will eventually be able to replace us, but it doesn’t scare me. I think it’s going to be a long time before it happens


Vice: What one invention would improve your life?


Something that would make everyone happy and not feel shit about life. Something that, when you feel down, brings up something that cheers you up. It wouldn’t be a memory, it would just be there, you wouldn’t have to think about it.

Will robots rule the world?

Yeah, I think technology is getting so advanced. I think in about 50 years robots will have brains of their own, which is a bit scary and sad.

Is there any technology you couldn’t live without?

My iPod. I’ve recently started using Spotify too. It’s sick.

What technology is rubbish?

Microwave ovens.