This story is over 5 years old.


teamLab's Interactive Christmas Lights Will Put Your House to Shame

That string of green and red lights never looked less impressive.
Images courtesy of teamLab

As the nights grow longer and the days grow ever more chilly, the holiday season's specter looms over the holly-adorned halls of the western world. In Fukuoka, Japan, digital art collective teamLab meet the onslaught of Christmas cheer with a new installation every year. This time, they're presenting Light Wave Canal, a light installation that's responsive both the presence of passersby and interactive via smartphone. Check it out above.


Last year teamLab brought us The Crystal Tree, an interactive Christmas tree that visitors decorated with a few taps of their smartphones, not unlike the mesmerizing crystal fireworks they wowed us with in 2013.

The tree was essentially a giant hanging prism of LED lights, the centerpiece of the Canal Mirai Christmas celebration. The light sculpture was illuminated in the conic form of a festive evergreen. Vewers adorned the tree using the site-specific Canal mirai Christmas app, decorating it with "ornaments or animated light displays filled with their hopes and wishes," according to teamLab's website. "When the tree is fully decorated, Santa Claus appears and carries off everyone’s wishes to the sky." See photos of The Crystal Tree below.

Visit teamLab's website for more illuminating installations.


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