Alex Schubert

  • The Blobby Boys in 'Summer of '98'

    German cartoonist Anna Haifisch tells a tale of the Blobby Boys as tweens during the summer of 1998. They mostly spent their time indoors, at fat camp, and in a cultural exchange program.

  • The Blobby Boys Kill Fashion Cat

    Alex Schubert is missing so guest artists are filling in for him. This week Jason Ramirez tells a story in which some Blobby Boy mice kill a very drunk Fashion Cat.

  • Bubbly Boys Meet Fashion Rat

    Alex Schubert is probably dead right? Otherwise he would be drawing his comic instead of this rotating cast of artists. This week's is by Sharmila Banerjee.

  • The Blobby Boys Meet Kiss

    Until the remains of Alex Schubert's fishing boat are found, we are keeping the flame of hope alive by having guest artists fill in for him. This week the Blobby Boys get signed by Gene Simmons and it's the worst thing that ever happened to them.

  • Blobby Boys - 'Life Lessons'

    Until Alex Schubert rises from the grave, his comic is being drawn by guest artists. This week, it's the famed and celebrated Sammy Harkham. He shows the Blobby Boys dealing with a realistic and sad experience.

  • The Contest

    Alex Schubert finally returns to drawing his own comic, but it's just some promotional contest for his "merch."