
Monthly Horoscope: Aries, May 2022

Welcome to Taurus season, dear Aries!
Taurus and Gemini
Robin Eisenberg

Taurus season finds the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules wealth, security, and comfort, making it an exciting time of year to acquire all that you desire, dear Aries!

But it’s also a crucial time to get real about your budget, and perhaps reflect on your boundaries around money. You may be negotiating a raise at this time or increasing your rate. A talent of yours might be spotlighted! Venus in Pisces makes a helpful connection with Pluto in Capricorn on May 1, which can find you feeling especially glamorous and popular. You may be tapping into something going on in the zeitgeist that brings you more clout or even power.


Aries are famously the first to do things (you’re the first sign on the zodiac wheel!), and that may be especially true as Venus enters your sign on May 2. Venus in your sign can find you feeling especially charming and attractive, and could be a wonderful time to make introductions! With Taurus season encouraging you to ask for the resources you need, Venus in Aries helps you feel comfortable making requests, as you’re particularly magnetic and sociable!

May 3 is a powerful day this month, especially for your career, as Jupiter in Pisces connects with Pluto in Capricorn: You may be wielding your power in a beneficial way and making great changes in the world. In your personal life, you could be undergoing a great transformation; an emotional expansion may be taking place within you.

Your ruling planet Mars is in Pisces at the start of the month, which can help you let go of the past, and on May 4 it connects with electric Uranus in Taurus—you may be experimenting with something new and exciting! A surprising gift, unexpected news, or an innovation of some sort may arrive as the sun meets Uranus on May 5, but you may also find yourself eager to break free from limiting circumstances, especially ones that impact your finances.

A fun, flirtatious energy flows on May 6 as Mercury in Gemini connects with Venus: It’s a lovely time to connect with friends, banter, and have fun! The sun connects with Mars on May 7, inspiring confidence and creativity, and Mercury retrograde begins in Gemini on May 10, which may find you revisiting a conversation, re-editing something you’ve written, reviewing paperwork, or running into old friends. You might visit an old local haunt that you haven’t been to in a while, or find something you’d misplaced. Many exciting reconnections may arise! If you have siblings, you might reconnect with them at this time. 


While the negative aspects of Mercury retrograde are often highlighted (it’s famous for delays and miscommunications), it can also be a good time to simply slow down and look to the past instead of charging ahead. Astrologers typically advise against signing contracts, making big purchases, traveling, or starting new projects during Mercury retrograde, but reviewing, re-doing, and re-considering are all a good use of this energy.

Also on May 10, the planet of growth and opportunity, Jupiter, enters your sign, Aries! This is an expansive period for you. You may find that you’ve grown out of your old patterns and preferences. Everything from your taste and aesthetic to your sense of sense to how much space you take up in the world may be expanding. This is an exciting moment to make introductions, to dream big, grow your reputation, and explore the many opportunities that come your way!

Boundaries can be set, particularly in your social life, on May 15 as the sun squares off with strict Saturn. Important decisions about your future may be had, and you might have to be conservative with your spending (money, time, or energy). There may be some obstacles popping up, but the sun connects with Neptune on May 15, helping you come up with creative solutions. The sun and Neptune’s connection also encourages you to connect with your inner voice and explore your spirituality!

A powerful release can take place on May 16 during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You may pay down a debt or resolve another financial issue. Financial matters in your relationships, romantic or professional, can be addressed. In your love life, this is a powerful time for intimacy and connection, to be vulnerable and honest with each other. Control issues might arise since eclipses herald great change, which can stir up fear and insecurity—but tremendous transformations can also take place at this time, especially if you’re willing to let go of the past. This is a powerful moment for forgiveness. Eclipses are famously emotional and exhausting, so be patient with yourself and others, and make plenty of time for rest.


Mars and Neptune meet on May 18, which may find you feeling especially lazy or passive! Watch out for fibs. Fantasizing may be at a high, which could bode well for making art, but not great if paranoias are indulged, so find ways to stay grounded. Make time to rest or express yourself creatively, rather than entertaining rumors or picking arguments. You may have some especially interesting dreams at this time. May 19 finds the sun connecting with Pluto, which can bode well for your career, and big ideas are shared as Mercury retrograde connects with Jupiter also on May 19—just watch out for exaggerations and try not to jump to conclusions.

Gemini season begins on May 20, inspiring a busy, chatty atmosphere, and the sun meets Mercury retrograde on May 21, which can find you realizing something important about a conversation that’s taken place. This might also find you understanding your own thinking or habits from a new perspective. A shift in your neighborhood could take place, or an interesting conversation can be had with a sibling, if you have them.

May 22 finds Mars and Pluto making a supportive connection that bodes well for productivity and strategizing, especially in your career! This is also a powerful time for breaking free from the past. Also on May 22, Mercury enters Taurus while on its retrograde journey, which can find you reviewing financial documents or renegotiating financial agreements. Be mindful about the location of your keys, phone, and wallet. You might even rediscover an item that had been misplaced!


The mood is jovial as the sun mingles with Jupiter on May 23, and Mercury retrograde connects with Mars, kicking up conversations about money. The pace may pick up, but remember that Mercury is retrograde, so keep things flexible. A helpful connection between Venus and Saturn makes May 24 one of the most solid days for making future plans and discussing commitments during this Mercury retrograde. Also on May 24, your ruling planet Mars enters your sign, which can find you feeling revitalized, filled with confidence, and stamina! Your willpower is especially strong at this time, so it’s a productive time to get things done. People can regard you as especially strong, even intimidating, at this time, and you may find yourself feeling especially spontaneous, impatient, or hot-headed, so find ways to keep yourself cool during this energizing period!

You may be thinking back to April 28 as Mercury retrograde connects with Pluto on May 25: Conversations about your career, or themes like power and responsibility may be revisited, or you may receive information that helps you make sense of the past. Venus squares off with Pluto on May 27, and intense feelings like jealously or greed may arise. This is an important time to act with maturity, to be responsible and boundaried. Insecurities may pop up. If you’re in a position of power, it’s important to consider other opinions and perhaps humble yourself. If you’re interacting with someone with great power and don’t feel great about the dynamic (or if you’re in power and want to approach things responsibly), it may be wise to enlist the help of a third party who can help mediate.

Amazing breakthroughs and transformations can take place at this time and power is a major theme. In your love life, the mood may be especially passionate, but if you’re in a relationship that lacks trust or respect, you may realize it’s time to go! Even if you are in a solid partnership, insecurity may arise, but profound bonds can form as you share your deepest feelings with each other. The energy shifts as Venus enters Taurus on May 28: A sweet gift may come your way; financial blessings might arrive. The mood is grounded, sensual, and stable. Physical pleasure is highlighted.

Mars and Jupiter meet on May 29, which can find you filled with energy: A great achievement may be made, or you could be embarking on an exciting new journey, going after something deeply meaningful! The new moon in Gemini takes place on May 30, which marks the start of a new conversation or new way of considering things. You can meet new friends, learn about a new idea, or begin a new writing project. 

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in June!