Sagittarius, November 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Sagittarius, November 2016

Communicator planet Mercury enters your sign this month, which means you'll have an even bigger mouth than usual.

November kicks off with plenty of planets changing signs, keeping things fresh and exciting for you, Sagittarius! On November 9, warrior planet Mars enters chill, logical Aquarius. Mars wants to wrestle, while Aquarius would rather have a civil debate, so this combination is very interesting. You can definitely expect some heated words—but, honestly, people should know better than to argue with you. You've read every book (because you're a know-it-all) and are very quick at coming up with disses (it's a centaur thing), so good luck to your enemies.


Positive vibes will flow around money this month, thanks to Venus entering Capricorn on November 11. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and money. It will be activating the financial sector of your chart when it enters materially minded Earth sign Capricorn, so this is sure to a be a very exciting time for you around cash! This will also be great in general for your self-esteem—you're getting clear about what your worth is, and you're feeling confident. Capricorn is a no-bullshit sign. While you're often blunt, Sagittarius, you are pretty good at bullshit. Sometimes you even bullshit yourself into believing you're not good enough. Venus in Capricorn will slap you out of that.

Mercury enters your sign on November 12, which will find you being way chattier than you have been recently. You've been unusually private lately! You likely had some changes in your life going on that you weren't able to talk about, but now that Mercury is in your sign, you'll be able to share the news.

November 14 brings the full moon in stable, reliable Earth sign Taurus. What's a Taurus? It's a bull. Bulls are big and immovable (which is why we call Taurus stubborn), and they have a peaceful aura about them. Taurus symbolizes sensuality, being in the moment—this is very different from the vibe we've been feeling in the air. The Sun in Scorpio isn't really in the moment: It's in other dimensions, talking to ghosts and digging up old secrets.


This month's full moon is going to kick you in the butt if you haven't been taking care of yourself.

Anyway, what should you do during this full moon in Taurus, Sag? Focus on your health. Call on the Taurus energy to help you find the strength to kick your bad habits. Create some daily rituals that can help you feel more grounded and connected to nature—perhaps journaling or committing to taking a bath with luxurious salts and scents once a week. Eat some amazing food, wear silk or cashmere, and enjoy some art.

This full moon is going to kick you in the butt if you haven't been taking care of yourself. If you have a shitty work schedule that's messing with your sleep or exhausting you, you will break under this full moon. Ask for time off or for help. On the flip side, if you've been super lazy, shit will fit the fan. Any frustrating, irregular relationships you've been having—whether with a lover or a friend—will be tested under this full moon. Full moons are exhausting and emotional, but don't worry, Sag: A fantastic chance to connect with others and express yourself is coming up this month.

November 22 is a great day for negotiations, thanks to communicator Mercury in your sign sextile (a helpful, productive astrological aspect) lucky planet Jupiter in cooperative Libra. This is also a wonderful day for networking—and, considering that new projects and friends are on your way during the second half of the month, this is a wonderful day to begin schmoozing.


You'll be in a kind of a solitary mood while the Sun is in emotional, sensitive Water sign Scorpio from October 22 until November 21, which is when the Sun enters your sign. But once the Sun's in your sign, Sagittarius, you'll be reborn, ready to be your usual, outgoing self again. Well, kind of. Not entirely. Let's talk about it:

What should you be careful of? Pissing people off with your gigantic mouth is always an issue, Sagittarius.

On November 23, Mercury meets Saturn in your sign. Have you been feeling more uptight lately? Burdened with work? Contemplating the meaning of life and feeling small compared to the universe? Blame Saturn—it's all Saturn's fault. On the 23rd, when the planet of the mind, Mercury, meets serious Saturn, you'll be extra focused and hard at work. A new project could come your way, especially one concerning Mercury's themes: writing, communicating, or travel.

One of the biggest days for you this month is November 24, which is when your ruling planet, Jupiter, squares Pluto. Squares between planets push us to take action; however, it would be very wise for you to take your time and plan out a solid strategy before making any big moves at this time. Jupiter is an optimistic, happy-go-lucky planet, much like you (no wonder it's your ruling planet!), but Pluto is the lord of the underworld. It's brooding, plotting, dark, shady, sometimes sexy, and always freaky. The combination of these two cosmic characters is exciting, but it's also a time that requires extreme caution.


What should you be careful of? Pissing people off with your gigantic mouth is always an issue, Sagittarius; because Pluto and Jupiter are both planets that bring powerful people into our lives, you could find yourself making the absolute wrong person mad. During this time, you should also want to watch out for major drama in your social life. Pluto and Jupiter's clash could push you to exit a group or community you've been a part of—but on the plus side, you could also find yourself mingling with a crowd you usually wouldn't feel confident connecting with.

As shady as Pluto can be (and, really, do watch out for shady people around this time!), it's a very transformative energy. It's currently hanging out Earth sign Capricorn; during this time, you will experience a rebirth around your self-worth, especially financially. You'll find it easy to make exciting plans for the future or access hidden wealth or resources.

During this time, you will experience a rebirth around your self-worth, especially financially.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, and it's currently in friendly Air sign Libra, making it easy for you to expand your social circle. You will also be upgrading your vision of the future and how successful you can be—just don't brag about this in the break room at work where your boss might overhear you and think you're nuts.

The month wraps up with a new moon in your sign on November 29! New moons bring new beginnings, and you love a fresh start. This is a wonderful time for a makeover. Again, you'll be hanging out in a new circle thanks to that square between Pluto and Jupiter, which means you'll probably be inspired by new styles.

On a less superficial level, this new moon is also a lovely time for you to reconnect to yourself: What are your needs? Desires? What do you need in order to feel safe and secure? Get clear on these things now, because new moons are perfect times for you to manifest your desires! Don't feel silly making wishes—you're the sign of dreams coming true. See you in December, Sagittarius!