Kentucky Loses to Wisconsin, in Pictures


This story is over 5 years old.


Kentucky Loses to Wisconsin, in Pictures

We put together a photo essay of the exuberance of Wisconsin and the depressing sadness of Kentucky following their epic Final Four game.

Kentucky lost to Wisconsin in the Final Four 71-64, missing out on a chance to win the National Championship and a bid for a perfect season. Wisconsin and Badgers fans were ecstatic while their counterparts from Kentucky were not very ecstatic at all. What does that contrast look like? Well, I'm glad you asked, because I am going to show you right now.


Not very ecstatic at all:


Not very ecstatic at all:


Ecstatic (for a coach):

Not very ecstatic at all:

Just plain sad, man:


Oh, oh God:

All images except Calipari via USA Today Sports