This story is over 5 years old.


Too Cloudy for Fireworks? Check Out These Higgs GIFs

It's not easy to visualize the maybe-discovered Higgs boson, especially since we can't see it. Instead we detect its presence by looking at the wreckage of collisions of protons, and finding the two other particles into which the Higgs is "thought to...

It’s not easy to visualize the maybe-discovered Higgs boson, especially since we can’t see it. Instead we detect its presence by looking at the wreckage of collisions of protons, and finding the two other particles into which the Higgs is thought to decay. It’s those particles that scientists at CERN capture in snapshots after colliding protons together. These aren’t moving images, but that didn’t stop me from animating them and some other things in the name of science.

Particles smashing into each other inside the CMS detector.
Close up of the collision (via)
An artist’s rendering of the Higgs field, giving a particle its mass. via)
A collision captured in one of the LHC’s detector. via)
Artist’s rendering of the “so-called God particle”
Peter Higgs
Oh yeah
Higgs Wooting ala Wu
