This story is over 5 years old.


Arsenal Fans to Make Giant Banner of Alexis Sanchez's Very Good Dogs

A banner for a very good player and his two very good dogs.
Photo via Instagram

Alexis Sanchez, Arsenal's best player, has yet to extend his contract with the club, which ends in 2018. This makes Arsenal fans very nervous, because Sanchez has many career options open to him. He could go to China for an eleventy billion dollar contract, join up with an actually successful club and win trophies, or just sign with Manchester United.

But, Arsenal fan group REDaction have a plan. You see, Alexis has just one weakness. Well, two, technically speaking.


There is nothing in this world that Alexis loves more than his two golden retrievers, Atom (left) and Humber (right). They have their own Instagram account. It seems that one of the first English sentences Sanchez learned was, "Now I go to my home with my dogs!"

Alexis is not wrong to love his dogs so damn much—they are, indeed, very good dogs— and so REDaction is not wrong to celebrate this love in an obvious attempt to tug at Alexis's heart strings. The group started a GoFundMe to raise £500 for a banner to display in Emirates Stadium—for Atom and Humber.

The dogs being very good and this being a very good idea, REDaction hit their goal in less than a day, so it looks like the banner is happening.

Confirmation of sizes - upper tier permanent banner : 1 metre x 6 metres — REDaction Gooners (@REDactionAFC)January 11, 2017

Club Level temporary banner: 2 metres x 9 metres — REDaction Gooners (@REDactionAFC)January 11, 2017

Now, here is where things get weird. A number of joyless, idiotic, despicable humans were somehow peeved by this, and called REDaction all sorts of names for spending money on banners of dogs. In fact, the replies were so vicious that REDaction felt the need to clarify the painfully obvious:

Obviously, this is just a bit of fun, and we suggest that nobody takes this subject TOO seriously, so spare me the usual joyless bastards

— REDaction Gooners (@REDactionAFC)January 11, 2017

No one is suggesting this will make Alexis sign a new contract and stay at Arsenal, that is just ridiculous, so just enjoy the Banners

— REDaction Gooners (@REDactionAFC)January 11, 2017

I've scrolled through the replies to the above tweets and won't share any of them here. But I can report that they fully demonstrate that many humans are simply terrible, joyless creatures who won't let the rest of us enjoy something for five goddamn seconds. Alexis already knows that, of course. It's why he loves his dogs so goddamn much.