This story is over 5 years old.


Splashing Around with Ukrainian Kids at the World's Most Gigantic Aquapark

The photographer Guillermo Cervera always looks to portray a hidden side of world conflicts that news outlets won't immediately think to cover. For instance, when he was in Afghanistan a few years back, he took photos of the swimming pools and gyms in...

The photographer Guillermo Cervera always looks to portray a hidden side of world conflicts that news outlets won't immediately think to cover. For instance, when he was in Afghanistan a few years back, he took photos of the swimming pools and gyms in war-torn Kabul.

These days, Guillermo is in Ukraine, so he just sent us these heartwarming images of young Ukrainian boys and girls having a pretty good time at the local aquapark.


Splashing around at Donetsk's Aquasphere—the largest indoor water park in the world and one of the best examples of ousted president Viktor Yanukovych's absurd economic decision-making—young Ukrainians try to have as much fun as they can.

Click through to see more of Guillermo's photographs.