This story is over 5 years old.


If Mirrors Could Speak: The Obscure Art of Social Engineering Films

Found on the "Internet Archive":, this PSA from the 70s holds a fascinating mirror to society by reminding us that our brains have been getting programmed by the tyrannical overloads of society for a long...

Found on the Internet Archive, this PSA from the 70s holds a fascinating mirror to society by reminding us that our brains have been getting programmed by the tyrannical overloads of society for a long time. But for real, that fat kid is annoying.

In hopes of keeping kids’ attention, social engineering films would often use supernatural elements to make their points. In this film, we see a magic talking mirror that reflects bratty kids as clowns. Most of the misbehaving kids understand how their behavior is disruptive and make amends. Surprisingly, one kid doesnt care if he is a “clown” and continues being a jerk probably for the rest of his life.

Timothy Leary Talking About Smartphones In 1993
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An Interview with the Mind-Bending Techno-Ecologic Scholar Richard Doyle"


A/V Geeks